Monday, September 13, 2010

Boliver Hoschke and Kateacabana

It was time to go to a wild country with good friends of ours Kate and Oli, Bolivia was the place and the following happenings.......happened.

We started our togetherness in a place called Copacabana on the sunny shores of lake Titicaca. It's a pretty town in a great location, nestled just on the Bolivian side of the Peruvian border. We stayed a few nights here but left a little disappointed as the place enforces a midnight curfew. We didn't come to Bolivia to be treated like Novacastrians so we left for one of the most bizarre cities on earth, La Paz. Perched at 3800 metres above sea level in a strange natural crater type setting, this place looks as weird as it feels. We were not shy about our intentions and quickly hopped on the good foot and made very good use of our reasonably strong currency (80 cent beers!). Whilst hanging at a local club late on that first night, we all suddenly felt the need to leave immediately as we were all having trouble breathing and using our eyes, someone had released some sort of capsicum spray or similar in the venue and they succeeded in emptying the place in the matter of about 30 seconds! A curious tactic by a rival club owner I suspect.......

Kate and Oli had to make their way south, so we decided to have a look at Bolivia's enormous salt flats and desert on the way through the excellent mode of transport known as Toyota Landcruiser. The salt flats were flatter than they were salty, but saltier than the previous flattest thing I'd ever seen.

I feel this video captures the atmosphere of the trip sufficiently, set the volume to 11......

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